wasmcloud-actor-http-server 0.1.2

HTTP Server Actor Interface for wasmCloud Actors

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wasmCloud HTTP Server Actor Interface

This crate provides wasmCloud actors with an interface to the HTTP Server capability provider. Actors using this interface must have the claim wasmcloud:httpserver in order to have permission to handle requests, and they must have an active, configured binding to an HTTP Server capability provider.

The HTTP Server provider is one-way, and only delivers messages to actors. Actors cannot make host calls to this provider.

The following is an example of how to use this provider:

extern crate wasmcloud_actor_http_server as http;
extern crate wasmcloud_actor_core as actor;

extern crate serde_json;

pub fn init() {

fn increment_counter(msg: http::Request) -> HandlerResult<http::Response> {